Tuesday, December 4, 2012

[PROSE] Proposal Trauma (Written by Tha Viral)

Picture Of Love

Picture Of Love

Ada's mom questions her walking out of a super market with arms round Ike Mark's shoulder. she never taught of the trauma her query could cause."It's high time you've made a choice"
Ada's mom queries.
Though Ada felt cherished and Loved with Ike Mark as her boyfriend, but she can't just walk up to him and propose marriage to him.
The night is a very hectic one for her.
It's time to make a decision, but how? Another Xmas is coming again without any sort of proposal or what so ever from Ike Mark.

"Maybe I will just walk up to him tomorrow and say it my self"

She says in pain and confusion to her friends and mom who all seats by her side on the same bed.

"Taaah! That will be against the African tradition"
Mary discourages her, with a smart dodge, knowing mom will be throwing at her nothing less than the pair of Xmas shoe Ike Mark bought for them and of course she throws one aiming at her.

"African tradition?, babe you not getting any younger" Ola intervenes.

Mom gave her a smile to continue.

"If you love your Mark, go for him while you can, or have him go for others” she concludes.
She always stand her ground on issues like this.
She speaks Mom type of words.
Mom is always happy when she is around her daughter, tonight she is glad her daughter has a friend like Ola.

Ike Mark is every ladies dream; six-feet-tall; toned and athletic in physique; clean-shaven and sense of smart dressing with humour.
Day by day, Ada and friends would sit fixing and guessing a date they think her Mr. Right - (Ike Mark) will propose marriage to her.
The trio had fixed early this New year on the ground that it will be marking Ike Mark and Ada's third month in a wonderful relationship.
The guess was wrong, the fun continued as they all expected him to make it big on Ada's birthday in october, yet the whole month got down without a 'be my wife' from her Mr. Right.
All hope were never lost, at least to keep their friend's happiness, they had kept the fun of fixing dates and preparing towards it.

But the sitting today is different and hectic for everybody concerned, an average height graduate and a good cook; sexy and elegant.
Heaven knows what else Ike Mark is waiting for.

"I love Ike Mark, his chivalry and independent"

That is the only uncensored response she can figure out from her disturbed self to her friends and mom.

" We've got thousands suitors"
Mom persuades.
Of course mom is not far from the truth, she have made at least acquitance with great men of great community, men with good command of the English language, rich, intelligent, independent, respectable and men with confident.
But Ike Mark and Ada Okeke is the only characters in Ada's world.

"I rather wait for eternity, than marry another suitor"
Not able to convince her daughter, Mrs Okeke leaves the room.
Speechless and in great taught the trio slept off.

It is in another world entirely, the sky was totally black and moving.
The whole Okeke's compound full of birthday flowers neatly spread.
Toys dancing around.
It is Moms birthday, everything is set, Ada could see the house in red paints instead of the usual sky blue, noise all over the house, visitors coming into the house with presents perfectly wrapped and out of the house with juice.

Looking around, Ike Mark is the only expected visitor missing.
Just a letter from him.
Ada and friends runs upstairs to read its content, believing it is not ideal for a full grown man to shy away from audio proposal.

"Were is the confidence, proposing to a Lady via a letter in absent"
Ola says, showing disapproval.

Mary supported her on this, and dashed the hope of reading a marriage proposal via a letter to checking out their appearance with a standing mirror in the room.
Mary and Ola posed repeatedly to the standing mirror but Ada shows she isn't happy with their decision to forget the content of the letter, she couldn't help but read the short excuse letter aloud.

Shouts Mary.
Ada remains unhappy and her friends could see the pain through her eye.
Her Ike Mark is not coming for her mothers birthday.
Both friends try to cheer up their friend.

"We are late, a lot is going on down stairs"
Mary chips in.
"I know your future husband is out there making a home of yours and buying cars of yours"
With a smile Ola says
“And I wish the Ike Mark should hasten up”

With laughter the trio rushes to the door, opening it, is play cards all over the door- alphabetically spelling out some words.
Ordinarily, it should be 'happy birthday', because it is Moms birthday.
But No!! Ike Mark stands in the middle of the third word with a key in his hand and a smile on his face.
The trio read out the words aloud

'Be my wife'

It is so loud, in excitement Ada jumps up to give Ike Mark a hug but slips and hits her head hard on the floor, at instance her breath seized.

"What a dream for a poor girl on a christmas eve"
She says to her awoke self.
Awoke with a little ache on her fore head, she saw Ike Mark tapping her head, behold a BMW 2012 series key tingling from his fingers.
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